The Good Life System
The GLT System
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Identify your mindset limitations
Recognize lifestyle habits that are limiting your progress
Begin developing a positive relationship with training and nutrition
Start practicing hydration, daily step goals and quality sleep
Refine and master skills from Phase 1
Develop routine that includes training/nutrition as part of your lifestyle
Implement basics of calorie and macronutrient tracking
Increasing training intensity to focus on building resiliency and strength
Make skills from phase 1 and phase 2 automatic
Becoming proficient in macronutrient tracking
Building self belief and confidence in strength training
Increasing endurance, strength, and conditioning training intensity
Mastering skills from phase 1, 2 and 3
Maintaining consistency in nutrition and training around holidays and travel
Graduate from program and continue to maintain all skills we have developed
Continue working towards strength and personal goals with new confidence